Secrets within..

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry that you were never shown the ways of the mystic. I’m sorry that these mysteries and secrets were not passed forward to you.

I’m sorry you suffered, but that ends today.

I hear you when you tell me that you have lived far too long feeling confused, trapped, unworthy and stressed; only living half a life, barely surviving. Poor health, financial issues, scared and constantly in a cycle of burnout.

I can help you to turn it all around by unlocking the mystic rites that are your birth right, I know I can because I have done it for myself and many others!

It’s time to shift from barely surviving to shining your radiant light!

My ways are somewhat unconventional because I don’t do ‘cookie cutter’ services. I see you, I feel you and I work WITH you!

Together we explore your greatest desires, your natural skills and what turns you on, along with creating a stragegy for radiant living and cultivating a thriving business that will magnetise success TO YOU!

Success is living a life YOU love without apology, doubt or justification. It’s your time and I’m here to guide you, support you and share this magical ride with you!

Click HERE to find out more about what I can do for you!

Hi, I’m Stephanie.

Keeper of the 13 Rites of Mystical Wisdom

Fiery igniter to spark your passion for life, an unstoppable force for empowerment as an entrepreneur, author, mystical wisdom mentor and business coach. With a blend of business savvy and sacred wisdom, I guide you on a transformative journey to reclaim your power, ignite your inner spark and embrace ALL of who you are and were born to be! Why? To ensure your SUCCESS and PLEASURE for life!

1 to 1 Coaching
Group Programmes
Workshops, Masterminds, Courses

Work with me to help you fall deeply in love with having a successful life and business!

Starlight Pathway: Unlocking Mystical Wisdom for a Radiant Life & Thriving Business


3 days to unlock the secrets to success!

This secret mission will show you all the ways you can transform your life and business.

I will guide you through the 13 Mystic Rites to your Success.

It’s time for you to create a life you love to live, a RADIANT life, it’s time to take the leap!

Are you ready?

A group journey into your brilliance! This is a deep dive into the 13 Mystical Rites where we explore, activate, integrate and empower them within you. It’s not for the faint hearted, no true transformation can be taken lightly. With this support group you will not be on your own as you look at each of the 7 aspects of sacred living and business, unlock the 13 Mystical Rites within each and watch as you become the Creatrix of your own life and business.